Thursday 20 October 2011

MAK Property Worldwide Ltd - News

MAK Property Worldwide Ltd – Finding Your Pension Funds

 We can help you trace your pension funds from previous employers by using a Government pension tracing service; it is possible to trace a pension even if you are not sure of the contact details. Please feel free to contact us for further information. 

BBC’s Inside Out Slams Overseas Property Network

Criticism in a TV programme, the BBC’s Inside Out, revealed how ROPUK, and former director Andrew Laird, failed to explain risks associated with an overseas property investment in Cyprus.

It’s claimed that investors were not properly informed about the risks that interest rates posed, currency related risks and the non-completion of the project (that they will not have access to the property deeds until the project is complete)…read more.

At MAK Property Worldwide Ltd we are ethical in our work; we strive to build strong relationships with happy clients. We will always refer our clients to reputable Independent Financial Advisors. We do not provide financial advice.

Innovative Solution for The World’s (Dubai) Problems 

The World, man-made islands in Dubai, created an astonishing amount of interest from the media, and in turn the public, during the Dubai boom. With a few exceptions, it failed to entice the large amount of wealthy customers that were expected; to combat the lack of sales a consortium of investors have conjured a masterful plan…read more.

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