Thursday 8 December 2011

IMF MD’s first visit & Investing in Brazil

 International Monetary Fund MD’s first visit to Brazil

Following her first visit to Brazil, Ms. Christine Lagarde, the current managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) made a fantastic statement analyzing the Country’s current economic power and the excellent growth trajectory that they are on, you can read the entire statement here…

The projected growth of Brazil isn’t a secret and that’s the reason why it is becoming one of the most popular destinations for overseas property investments

Here at MAK Property Worldwide Ltd specialize in offering clients the best investment opportunities from around the world, and for clients looking to invest in the ‘boom of Brazil,’ you would be right in thinking that we have options for them too!

MAK Property Worldwide LTD Presents – White Sands Country Club

White Sands Country Club located in the vibrant North East of Brazil, Natal and offers owners of property to experience the Brazilian way of life in its fullest. This investment not only offers an exceptional piece of land with potential to build a luxurious home (PP approved) but a fantastic lifestyle option with outstanding returns.
The Investment
  • Guaranteed return of 10% per annum for 2 years 
  • 100% Money back guarantee for security 
  • Number of Plots = 264 
  • Plot Size = 360-515m2 
  • Planning Permission Status = Full planning permission granted 
  • Nearest Airport = Natal (Approx 15 miles) 
  • Estimated Annual Appreciation = 15-25%

The Exit Strategies 
Short Term Return: Anticipated 50%-100%
Mid Term Return: Anticipated 100%-200%
Long Term Return: Anticipated 200%+

Visit MAK Property Worldwide for the very best in overseas property investment. We offer our clients full & fractional ownership options, Cash and SIPP complaint property investments options, in many countries across the globe. for more information.

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