Thursday 8 September 2011

MAK World-class, Diverse & Unique Portfolio

We're delighted to be able to present a world-class, diverse portfolio to our clients. We have opportunities from forestry plantations to property developments, many of which allow for investment through cash & pension funds:

Forestry Investments
Brazil - Our alternative investment option in Teak forestry include contracted 10% annual returns on your initial investment and a 3 year exit strategy amounting to 135%. (more information)

Property Investments
Greece - Halcyon Hills, a Luxury Spa Resort, currently 42% below market value with a contracted developer buy-back of 180% (more information).

France - Chateau de la Cazine,  is magnificent French Chateau & golf resort. Investment benefits include 0% non-status finance and a contracted 150% developer buy-back (more information).

St. Lucia - The most recent addition to our portfolio, Freedom Bay. This is a 5 star, beachfront, eco-luxury resort with private residences. Prices are currently on a 25% discount and on average 40-60% below market value (more information).

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